Clark Engelbert: Mineral Balancing, Heavy Metals & HTMA

Clark is a health practitioner with a particular focus on mineral balancing, or ionomics. He is particularly interested in the use of hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) in identifying mineral imbalances and using the synergistic and antagonistic relationships of minerals to restore metabolic balance. The use of HTMA over blood analysis gives some salient advantages in some respects; hair is a tissue sample and can be used to gain a deeper insight into the longer-term status of an individual and their metabolic function. While it has its limitations, HTMA, when interpreted correctly can be extremely helpful in identifying imbalances in the mineral system and establishing protocols to rebalance that system.

Clark currently runs Nutritional Analytics where he works with patients from all over the world and helps them deal with heavy metal toxicity and mineral imbalances that are extremely common today. His philosophy is embedded in the teachings and wisdom of soil scientist William Albrecht and physician Paul Eck, who paved the way for our current understanding of mineral interactions in biological systems.

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