Daniel P. Cardinali: Melatonin, Pineal Physiology & Chronic Disease

Daniel P. Cardinali, MD, PhD is an expert in pineal physiology, melatonin and circadian rhythms. Dr. Cardinali got his MD and PhD degrees with honors at the Salvador University, Buenos Aires. Since 1971 he has been a Research Career Awardee of the Argentine National Research Council and from 1986 to 2008 he was the Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. He is presently Director of the Department of Teaching & Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, and Professor Emeritus, University of Buenos Aires. Dr. Cardinali"s fields of interest include the Physiology and Pharmacology of Melatonin and Biologic Rhythms, in particular their relationships with Sleep Medicine. To date Dr. Cardinali has published more than 450 scientific papers and 105 invited review articles in books. He has also edited 25 scientific books and special issues.

Dr. Cardinali has received the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship award, the Curt P. Richter Prize, the Doctorates “honoris causa” in Medicine at the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain (1991) and at the University of Salamanca, Spain (1998), the nomination as a Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, and the nomination as Illustrious Guest, City of Salamanca. In 2003 he was awarded the Konex Foundation Prize as one of the 5 most relevant Argentine scientists in basic biomedical sciences of the preceding decade. In 2007 he was awarded with the Scopus Prize for being the most cited Argentine scientist in biomedicine working in Argentina and received the Bernardo Houssay Award to the Scientific Excellence. In 2008 he received the Aaron B. Lerner Pioneer Award in Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Melatonin Research. 


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