Prue Hart: The Irreplaceable Role of Sunlight in Human Health

Professor Prue Hart is currently the head of the Inflammation Research Group at Telethon Kids Institute in Western Australia. Her work has focussed on the effects of UV light in modulating immune responses, particularly in diseases including type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Prue has been an advocate of sensible sun exposure for decades and has contributed greatly to the recognition of the host of beneficial effects of sunlight that go beyond the synthesis of vitamin D. Prue has been president of a number of associations including the Australian Society of Medical Research. She has published over 180 publications and is a world-renowned scientist who continually strives to improve her group’s scientific impact. Prue’s work is a shining light and a force towards a more balanced approach to getting outside and letting the sun shine in.

00:00 Introduction
01:36 Vitamin D Trials for MS
02:41 Prue's Career with UV Light
05:13 Role of Skin Pigmentation
07:06 Molecules Synthesised from Sun Exposure
12:03 Vitamin D Derivatives and Supplementation
18:35 Urocanic Acid
24:28 Murine (Mice) Models of Skin Disease
28:54 SCCs and BCCs
30:34 Sun Exposure & Melanoma
35:36 Tanning Beds & Scandinavia
37:56 Sun Exposure & Longevity
39:45 COVID, Vitamin D Trials & UV
42:56 Light Therapies
46:55 Circadian Considerations
48:44 The UV/Gut Connection
52:45 Latitude & Autoimmunity
1:04:19 UV & Immunosuppression
1:08:16 Sunlight for Health
1:13:17 Prue's Current Projects
1:23:32 Outro


Mike Belkowski: Red Light Therapy


Robert Fosbury: Interactions Between Light & Life