Sally K. Norton Oxalates & Toxic Superfoods

Sally Norton is an educator, speaker and health consultant who specialises in the impact of oxalates in the human diet. Sally has a bachelor’s degree in nutritional science from Cornell University and her master's degree in public health from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Sally’s own health journey lead her to the realisation that many foods that are considered to be among the healthiest, actually contain a metabolic toxin that even in modest amounts can cause illness and disease. Oxalates are compounds made by plants for various purposes including calcium homeostasis, structural integrity and to ward off insects.

This seemingly innocuous compound bind with minerals, particularly calcium and creates oxalate crystals, known to most as kidney stones. Oxalates inhibit energy metabolism and impede normal cellular functioning when consumed in amounts that exceed the body’s capacity to detoxify it. Unfortunately in today’s diet culture world of spinach, sweet potato, kale, chard, cacao and raspberries, many people who think they are doing the best thing for their health are slowly but surely poisoning themselves with oxalates.

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Sally's Book - Toxic Superfoods:


Scott Zimmerman & Robert Fosbury: Light As The Foundation Of Health


Scott Zimmerman: Melatonin, Light and the Optics of the Human Body